On Characterizing Affinity And Its Impact On Network Performance

Gabriel Lucas, Abhishek Ghose and John Chuang, On Characterizing Affinity and Its Impact on Network Performance. Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research, Karlsruhe Germany, August 25 2003.

This web page is a summary of our paper and an outline of basic affinity concepts. We have also put together a brief slide presentation highlighting our findings. This research is part of the Denali Project funded by the NSF ITR Program.

0. What is affinity?

For any network or graph, consider a subset S of nodes. Affinity describes the clusteredness or closeness of S. Nodes with high affinity are very close to each other. We use terms such as clustered, positive affinity, and positive attraction synonymously.

Figure 1: Nodes close to each other have a positive affinity relationship.

Nodes with high disaffinity are very far apart from each other. We use terms such as declustered, negative affinity, and negative attraction synonymously.

Figure 2: Nodes far apart from each other have a negative affinity relationship.

Affinity is relevant to many applications. For example, imagine a web conference transmission, in which a single source in New York were communicating to multiple receivers in San Francisco. Rather than being randomly distributed throughout the network, those receivers would be clustered at a few points in the network. As another example, imagine a sensor network study, in which a scientist were measuring temperature readings from distant points on an island. Again, rather than being randomly distributed, the source transmitter nodes would be declustered throughout the island. It is also possible to combine affinity and disaffinity in the same scenario: for example, node clusters that have strong disaffinity with the other clusters.

As the above examples show, affinity is a realistic consideration for many network studies. Thus, several questions come to mind:

  1. How can we select nodes from a network with different levels of affinity?
  2. How can we analyze the actual affinity level of a subset of nodes?
  3. How does network topology affect the affinity selection process?
  4. If we know the affininty of a set of nodes, can we better predict network performance?

1. Selecting nodes with different levels of affinity

Phillips, Shenker and Tangmunarunkit (2000) developed a probabilistic selection algorithm that has been used in several studies. The probability of any node joining S is a function of its distance to the nearest node already in S. Let ρi be the probability of selecting node i. Note that Σ ρi must equal 1. Below are two examples of affinity selection.

Figure 3: Example of selecting nodes with positive affinity. Nodes closer to S are assigned higher probabilities of being selected.

Figure 4: Example of selecting nodes with negative affinity. Nodes farther from S are assigned higher probabilities of being selected.

To explain the algorithm in a bit more detail, the formula for ρi is:

where diS is the distance from node i to the nearest node in S, and a is a constant such that Σ ρi = 1. β is the input parameter that affects the affinity of S. When β is positive, ρ is maximized when diS is small, so nodes in S will be clustered (positive affinity). Conversely, when β is negative, ρ is maximized when diS is large, so nodes in S will be declustered (negative affinity).

2. Analysis metrics

In our paper, we propose several affinity analysis metrics. Prior to our work, studies had compared affinity performance using the input parameter β. We show how affinity metrics i) provide a better characterization of actual affinity, ii) are stronger predictors of network performance, and iii) necessary when analyzing a pre-existing subset of nodes.

The metric we choose for presentation in our paper is λ. If cplG is the characteristic path length of the network (average path length among all paths), and cplS is the characteristic path length of S, then define λ as:

The paper discusses the benefits of and reasoning behind choosing λ.

3. The affect of network topology

In Figure 5, we plot λ versus β. As the dotted white line shows, the actual affinity level varies for a constant value of β depending on the network topology. Moreover, the red and yellow arrows indicate that affinity bounds differ across networks. Some networks permit a wide range of affinity levels for S, while others allow only a limited variation of affinity. It is not just number of nodes and edges that affect affinity variation; so too do network density and overall topology. Our paper discusses network topology effects in more detail.

Figure 5: λ versus β across various networks that we studied. Here, the size of S is 0.1% of the network size (~ 10,000 nodes).

4. Better network performance

We perform three case studies (multicast, replica placement, and sensor networks) and show that in each case, the actual affinity level of S is a better predictor of network performance than is the value of the input parameter used to generate S. In other words, it's better to classify subsets of nodes by their actual affinity λ, rather than by β. Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate this finding for the multicast case. We observe a much better linear fit with λ; in the paper, we present regression results. δ is a multicast efficiency metric defined by Chang, Govindan, Jamin, and Shenker.

Figure 6: δ versus λ for the multicast case study.

Figure 7: δ versus β for the multicast case study.

To learn more about affinity, please read our paper.